At Enrollsy, we are constantly improving our platform while we consider customer feedback. We have been working hard to make it easier for you to customize the Enroll Form into one that works great for you and your customers.
We are excited to roll out our first wave of feature enhancements. These revisions are focused on improving flexibility and ease of use.
Secondary Account Holder Optional
Over the years, we’ve seen that many people like the Secondary Account Holder section as an option and not as a requirement on the Enroll Form. Until now, even if fields in this section were marked “not required,” they would still show up on the Enroll Form, making the form much longer.
We have fixed this issue by making the entire Secondary Account Holder section an optional section at enrollment. Now Enrollees have a switch to turn on (the default is “off”) if they have a Secondary Account Holder.
General Account Info Section
After the Primary and Secondary Account Info sections was an area where Admins can create custom fields that apply at a more General Account level. However, there was no obvious break, and sometimes Admins put custom fields in the Secondary Account section (or other sections) instead of here.
Now there is a new section called “General Account Info” under which custom fields can be added. This section separates the Primary and Secondary Account Holder sections from the General Account Info.
Customer Sign-In Links
The most exciting feature enhancements are:
- Customer Sign In link or button
- Embed Enrollsy link option on the My Company page
We have always had an enrollment and password reset link on the main page (My Company). We have also offered the option to embed the Enroll Form onto your website using our Embed tool (found in the Enroll menu or from the custom Enroll Form builder).
Now you can quickly get to that embed option by using the link on the My Company page. You can not only embed the Enroll Form, but you can also embed a Customer Sign-In link or button on your website! This change will make it extremely easy for your customers to log in to their accounts and on your website. If you haven’t made it easy for customers to sign into their accounts from your website, please do this right away. Not everyone wants to download an app to access their account. Your website should be the first place they think to go to sign into their account.
We are committed to our clients and use our resources to listen and help them optimize our platform for their success. Here is a summary of our updates to the Enroll Form:
- Add a Secondary Account Holder (to view and complete the fields) when the Secondary Account Holder is optional
- A new General Account Info section assists in organizing your Account-level custom fields
- Easily add a link or button to your website for embedded customer sign-in
We plan to enhance our Enroll Form builder further to make it easier for you and your customers. We will be working on this soon, so watch for more product updates on our Product Announcements page. If you didn’t see our recent post about the changes to billing and payment plans, you’ll for sure want to check that out.